Monday, January 31, 2011

Mary Harvey Says More Crazy Things On Tom Joyner Show

It is unclear whether Mary Harvey was the dupe of a wedding really rancid or is totally off his nut. Some days later the blistering diatribes on You Tube Steve Harvey ex-husband turned an Internet star, Mary Harvey spoke with radio personality Tom Joyner now in an evident try to negotiate peace between Steve and Mary Harvey the sake of their son, age 13 Wynton. I do not think Mary Harvey made a good case for itself.

During his talk on "Morning Show Tom Joyner," ex-wife of Steve Harvey's compared himself to a rape victim and said to Steve Harvey to offer advice to women, "is like saying to someone ' one who was raped and had not had to close his attacker that he is always doing something good. "Strong words and disturbing.

She added that Wynton Harvey suffers most from this tragedy ... so why You Tube videos dissing release of his father? I trust someone may take peace to this family because everything Mary Harvey might think about Steve; it does not help his son by spreading their dirty linen in public.