Saturday, March 24, 2007

As 10 desculpas mais estranhas para acelerar

Mais um Top 10 do site MSN Cars. Este diz respeito aquelas desculpas que a maioria dá quando é apanhado a acelerar...algumas são demais...e sempre ficamos com umas ideias, mas será que dizer ao guarda que pensamos ter visto um OVNI, ou que o que causou a marca de excesso de velocidade foi um avião que voava baixo (quando se vai de Ferrari por exemplo, isso é uma boa desculpa...), ou ainda que carreguei no acelerador sem querer depois de um violento espirro, vale de alguma coisa? Algumas pessoas tentam...mas dizer que estávamos a andar a favor do ai...hilariante! Esta-me sempre a acontecer...ter o vento a empurrar o carro! Bem me parecia que não era eu que ia tão depressa!

  1. I had passed out after seeing flashing lights, which I believed to be UFOs in the distance. The flash of the camera brought me round from my trance.

  2. I was in the airport's flight path and I believe the camera was triggered by a jet overhead, not my car.

  3. I had a severe bout of diarrhoea and had to speed to a public toilet.

  4. There was a strong wind behind my car, which pushed me over the limit.

  5. My friend had just chopped his fingers off and I was rushing the fingers to hospital.

  6. The vibrations from the surfboard I had on the roof rack set off the camera.

  7. I had to rush my dying hamster to the vets.

  8. A violent sneeze caused a chain reaction where my foot pushed down harder on the accelerator.

  9. There was a suspected case of foot and mouth and I had to rush to see the cow concerned.

  10. The only way I could demonstrate my faulty clutch was to accelerate madly.